Infamous second son VS Watch dogs...(and yes , both PC & PS4 footage are used for the comparison)
For anyone who thinks that Infamous looks like crap.... the quality is not perfect , but it gives you an idea..
Infamous second son VS Watch dogs...(and yes , both PC & PS4 footage are used for the comparison)
For anyone who thinks that Infamous looks like crap.... the quality is not perfect , but it gives you an idea..
what's the point of this thread?
It just seems like spam
Spam for what ? Ubisoft ? :)
They do produce a lot of open world games...
Footage used:
Watch Dogs (PC version)...By Ubisoft
The Crew...By Ubisoft
Assassin's Creed Unity...By Ubisoft
The Division...By Ubisoft
Infamous Second Son...By SuckerPunch
The Witcher 3...By CD Projekt RED
MGS5...By Kojima production s
Kingdom Come: Deliverance...By Warhorse Studios
I have both inFamous and the PC version of Crysis 3, and I think that Crysis 3 is vastly superior in terms of graphics. Take a look at this gameplay footage from the PC version.
Look up the word "vastly" in the dictionnary. Either you don't know what it means , or you're lying. I've played both too , and i think you're exaggerating...No need to look at youtube videos because they'll never do the game any justice. (and that's true for both crysis 3 / infamous ss)
Infamous second son is the best looking open world - third person game on the market and that's that....Is it the "best looking game ever" ? No....(there's no such thing anyway since games are constantly improving)..
and the fact that people on this thread are forced to use their big guns to prove their point...(showing footage of Crysis 3 on PC / ultra)....Shows that you're all trying your best to convince yourselves that Infamous looks like crap...
The only things that makes Infamous SS look good is the reflection and the neon lights. Not that it's bad, but it just makes people say wow wwhen a neon light pops up on screen.
And that's it ?....Really ? What about the character design/textures ?...
This is in-game....No bullshot ,...
If infamous was just about cool particle/neon effects , you might as well stick to Resogun.... (But yeah , great particle effects)
Nah , Infamous just looks better...Not to mention , no matter how much modding you do , you're still stuck with the same character models... It's not your fault , blame it on rockstar.
This is what a modded Niko bellic looks like....(compared next to infamous)
Hell , let's take one of the pics you posted... Such as this one...
Here's another modded GTA IV...
As for that other guy who said that Ryse looks way better than Infamous...
Hey , we can all play that little game...It's easy to pick cutscenes/cinematic pictures to prove your point....I'm not denying it. Ryse looks amazing. And crytek always does a terrific job with its charatcer models...
But let's compare what's comparable shall we ?
RYSE cut/scene
VS Infamous Cut/scene
RYSE , in-game
Infamous , In-game (and keep in mind , this one is "open world")
RYSE close up during In-game / combo attack
Infamous close-up during in-game karma attack
RYSE - Random close-up on character (in game)
Infamous - random close-up (in-game)
Ryse- cinematic / cut scene
Infamous cinematic / cut scene
One other guy said that Infamous second son was not even a top 30 in the graphics department...Really ? Who are you kidding ?....Give your list already !
I think you're all deluded...All of you. PC , PS4 , Xbone gamers... None of you guys are reasonable...
In the PS4 camp , one guy claims that Infamous is "the best looking game ever"...(which is insane , better yet , there's no such thing as the best "ever" , since there's constant competition , and new games being developped every year)
In the PC camp...Apparently , the vibe i'm getting is "meh..mediocre at best".. Really ?
Infamous is certainly not the best looking game ever. But really , how much of a hypocrite do you have to be, to deny how great this action/adventure/open world game looks?
Is it just because you're all butthurt because of one guy's hyperbole ?...
Looks so fake and bad. I posted gif you cant even beat 2008 year old game.
I played InFamous this is not even wow grahpics. Nothing special. Not even top 30 grahpics
What do you mean it looks "fake" ?....Because you think the stuff you posted doesn't look "fake" ?...
All games look fake....Crysis , infamous , Ryse , you name it...all of it looks fake. You want photorealism ? Look somewhere else...Maybe Man of Steel or The avengers...(though you can still tell it looks fake)
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