i dont think halo 4 will be a comedy....wud b a bit strange wudnt u agree? i mean the chief wont go up to the brute and go "not u again, for cryin out loud dont u av a job?!"
disturbed_281's forum posts
Transcript for Halo 4 trailer
Cortana: Chief....wake up
Chief: Go away
Cortana: I need you
Chief: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz..z.z.z..zz
yeh and to the guy that commented on my first post...i think people would find it obvious that Halo 4 or maybe the next 3 halo games will be out surely...but its way too early to predict...and i contacted bungie about any plans and they said "wait till July"
E3 alert? or is that another thing? if it is i was right:D
i believe that the planet in question is of an unknown alien race...something new...somehow connected to the covenant, another force...who are allies with the covenant, because there are always new fresh aliens but they cant go "ah i cant find the covenent, just throw in a bunch of bugs" can they?
so i say that the planet in question is a new, stronger enemy
are you glad arbiter wasnt playable then? i mean in single player, not co-op? because im sure he will be playable if Halo 4 came out, seperated...then join forces again...
so 200 years....u can make 200 halo games.... so the game Halo 200 will tell alot wont it? lets talk about that.....dont
anyway i got a problem with the game series though, why are te objectives the same "activate this facility" and "rescuse some idiot "?
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