So i take it Phil is going to give me free copies of all my cross platform ps and Nintendo games right?
Yeah I didn't think so. Guy needs stop thinking he is particularly clever and start getting some decent games on the Xbox that aren't halo forza it indie stuff like ori. Scale bound pretty much the only game I was excited for last Gen we didn't get. And sunset overdrive if it gets a sequel will be ps exclusive .
Sigh yes I know technically in Japan, anime refers to all animation. But in the western world, anime refers to Japanese anime. This isnt an anime. Its an animated work by a Korean studio, and one that made a pretty garbage sequel series to an actual decent show Avatar the Last Airbender.
While not particularly religious myself, there comments can really easily be taken the wrong way. As they almost seem to imply religion comes from madness and mental illness. Taken to the extreme it can be taken as a shot at any religion, and imply you would have to be mentally ill to be a believer. That can easily rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Jesus how does a douche bag company like Disney get to deflect pretty much all negative criticism. Sony refused to give Disney 50 percent of a character they owned. Its cute people keep acting like Disney did Sony a big favor but
a. Marvel did get helped by being able to use Spiderman in 3 movies, would those movies still make a lot of money. Yes. But its undeniable that Spiderman is one of the A listers of Marvel, Id put ahead of every one except maybe Iron Man. So its not like Disney got no other benefit. So for them to then go and say we want 50 percent of the cut of future films on top of that. pfft
People forget, Sony is almost does films as a hobby, its not one of their major money makers, and they are still a top ten top 20 company in the world. So honestly, the extra 400 million spiderman made over say venom, doesn't really amount to much to them.
b. Sony has nothing to worry about Disney in terms of gaming; they just sold their only gaming studio, and they have never been known for hardware despite how prolific they are in media. At the end of the day , I wouldnt even consider them competitors. Disney is pretty much solely a media company, while Sony is more akin to Microsoft a hardware developing conglomerate.
c. And lastly, it seems memory lose is in high demand here, as people keep acting like there was never a good super hero movie prior to Disney, the first 2 spiderman films rami did were pretty great, imo better than the two marvel ones, and the first two xmen movies and blade films were just as good as anything Disney has done.
Heads up, playasia has a physical version with english subtitles that includes all 3 for 40 bucks. Rather go with that, ill gladly pay the extra 20 bucks for a physical copy.
My issue is that a HOF is supposed to be for greats primarily, with a handful of influencer (players/items of historical value but not actually objectively good), usually separated into their own category. I am actually okay with the likes of Halo, but Solitaire, wtf Cave Story, candy crush (this is the avatar argument, just because a lot of people play it doesnt mean its good), pong, oregon trail. These are not legitimately good games and should be in some separate category or subsection if you want to honor history. But of a Hall of Fame should have the likes of Chrono Trigger, Red Dead Redemption, Half Life, Resident Evil 2/4, Witcher 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock, etc. Actual great games.
Honestly looking at the list the only games that legitimately belong are maybe 1/3rd of those listed. And even then for some of those listed , like super mario bros , there should be other games in series in the HOF before this game like Super Mario bros 3, Super Mario World, mario 64, galaxy, super mario rpg.
I don't know what's scarier that someone paid to be a journalist is illiterate or that so many reader on this board are. All the article says is that ps5 will plays ps5 games that don't play on the ps4 aka that the system will be an actual new system, and not just a revamped version of the ps4 like the pro.
Newsflash, the xbox one has games that don't play on the 360 or original xbox, and the switch has games that don't play on the wii u.
I seriously doubt it wont at least play ps4 games, but even if it doesn't I have all the older consoles, and even then there are some many next gen games there really is not enough to time to play older games anyway.
Okay the video basically made the point that I wanted to make. This game is best of the year in the same vein that Gone Home was aka this is an overhyped borefest that is mediocre at best.
DivineJester's comments