@The_Last_Paladi: You have always been able to plug the psp into your tv with cables and play on your tv. The vita actually can be played on your tv without a vita with the psp vita tv device; and even gamecube allowed you to play gameboy original through gameboy advanced on the tv. Its not even close to a new concept by far.
@asmcint: I am pretty sure Sony owns Demons souls, which the second game was called Dark souls and not demons souls 2. Even if they remake it, it will be a ps4 or ps5 exclusive.
this is why I skipped the wii u entirely. I will pick up the nx assuming its not another underwhelming system with a gimmick. If its just a console with ps4/one specs and nintendo games i will take it.
@7tizz: Spoken like someone who has never played jrpgs. Most jrpgs haven't been classic turnbased since the ps2 and snes era. Vesperia for example is hack n slash, basically the same thing as dark souls. Lost odyssey might have been turn based but it also has a story that basically puts the majority of the games on this list to same, and so on and so. Get your head out of your backside Murican.
Dark souls innovation, you mean make it feel like a medieval action rpg like Witcher and Elder Scrolls.
And its a list for best games not most innovative, nothing particularly innovative about most of the games on the list.
If this becomes the norm, then they will have to cut console prices to around 200 at most.
People are only willing to pay 400 bucks for a console if they think it will last them those five years. If I have to upgrade every few years I am not dropping 300-400 dollars.
That splatoon award just seems like, oh crap we didn't give anything to Nintendo, lets give them an award.
There is absolutely zero things unique or promising about it. It takes an existing concept, paintball, dumbs it down in something kid accessible, throws in stock nintendo characters (the squid people are basically pulled out of a Mario game), and everyone sings Nintendo's praises. I mean I dont care for the care, but Rocket League was much more unique and promising.
Also I don't see the Laura Croft award either. Maybe for the original Tomb Raider reboot, a game that brought the franchise back to prominence and showed us another side of her that wasn't as explored in previous games.
While this game does look good, its basically just an alternative take on bioshock, hell even the concept of the protagonist waking up from deep sleep is basically bioshock 2. that said if it comes to consoles I would play this.
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