@Horndawgie its not hip to hate, its simple because "hardcore" or as I like to call us, savvy-gamers can smell bullshit a mile a way. also known as cod, anyone who knows anything about gaming knows cod is a dumbed down video game aimed at the masses for nothing more than revenue. From a tech standpoint the software is complete shit.
user review is definitely seems more realistic. the users whom actually play the game and didn't have their travel paid for by activision to a reviewer event. Travel includes hotel, car and food. probably was a lovely vacation to go review a cookie cutter game like cod.
"He played Ghosts at a review event in Southern California. Travel was paid for by Activision. "
yeah they give us all this snow camo and we get a taste of how well frostbite can do snow in operation locker but only one snow map in the whole game sucks.
yeah im pretty pissed there isn't even one snow map. what happen to having all the seasons? and I know the frostbite can do snow well, I mean its called the frostbite for **** sake! Pretty lame there isn't even one snow map for all the snow camos that are in the game. pretty pointless.
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