Nothing you named was game breaking, I dont think you know the definition of game breaking and you definitely dont know how software works. Your bugs sound like server lag. If you hit a chopper with tank shells it will explode, I have done that. I have shot choppers out of the sky with tanks before. What you described sounds exactly like lag to me. You cant give me one game breaking bug because there is none, my friends and I play bf daily without issues.
Im pretty sure you have no idea what you are talking about. What do you mean by adding so many dlcs in a short amount of time? they have been at least three months apart for every single one and spready throught over a year. What countless bugs and glitches, name me the countless bugs? Ive been playing since day one with zero game breaking issues, and its been patched several times. Are you familiar with the bf series at all? every single BF release has had bugs, but none have been game breaking. 2142 wouldnt load your stats and punk buster would boot me constanty, but I still loved playing. I dont think you understand software, it will always have bugs and as new versions come out and fix old bugs it may introduce new bugs. I work in the medical software field and our software is more buggy then most games, Im not afraid to admit that even though its awful because peoples lives potentially count on it. There will never be any completely perfect software unless its government or army. WE are talking games here, it takes so long to perfect fresh engines like frostbite 2 yet it's an amazing engine.
and another thing, you keep refering to them as "map packs" are you that blind from cod? They are themed expansion packs that add more then just maps, get it right!
your arguement is bunk because you said close quarters is the reason why you stopped playing bf and that BF isnt strategic anymore because of cq. Well, for one you dont have to play the 4 close quarters maps and for two the game is still 100% strategic. if you worried about wasting your money then why would you even consider buying Blops2? You'll be buying the rest of the bf expanion packs once you realize that it's the best fps warfare game on the maket after wasting your money on blops2
so let me get this straight, 1 out of the 5 expansion packs that has 4 close quarters maps has caused you to stop playing, thats not ever reacting? LMAO you realize you dont have to play cq right.
HAHA thats your arguement?? LMAO that's 4 maps out of how many that are close quarters? BF is nothing but a strategic game, you cannot go in and mindless shoot and win in any of the maps. Some people like the close quarters variety that was added with Cqc like me. brings me back to the counterstrike days just with amazing visuals and hd destruction. You obviously are over reacting because you act like the entire game of bf has changed because of one expansion pack.. Did you even ready anything about Armored kill?
Your a fool, I havent had any major issues since release. Your statement is false. I have had tons of very close games that come down to one or two kills, And how is the game broken? I play without issue every day.
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