Theres no real destruction engine for one thing. Also. it is impossible they took what bf did and made it better. You would have to be really blind and dumb to believe that. SQUAD vs SQUAD? are you kidding me? Umm you do realize in BF its SEVERAL squads vs squads all which have a squad leader whom can give orders to the rest of the squad for more points.
Beyond that for all the squads within the army there are commanders giving orders to each squad leader. cod is 1 squad vs squad with no leaders or commanders!
how can anyone call this warfare let alone better. You blind little dumb cod babies. I hope you never see the light because intelligent people do NOT want you out on the real online battlefield. BF makes Cod look like child's play, that is your lesson for the day.
You must not have played much of bf3. not similar to cod in the least. Not to mention cod was the series who ripped off bf to begin with. BF2 was out before Mw. newbie
been playing the bf4 beta for the last two days without a single hitch, me and 3 of my friends, so the problem could be on your side.. not to mention its a beta.
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