I said the housing market is, and key word starting to pick back up, just a tad little bit.
That in itself helps stabilize the market a bit. Keep in mind, I also said a "bit better" You make is sound like I said 100% completely stabilized the market.
I'm not praising Obama at 100%. realistically more like 50 to 60%
yea blame it all on Obama. like one person actually has that big of an affect. How do you think this nation got to where it is in the first place? It was going down the shitter long before Obama was in office. I would argue he actually stabilized things a bit better than the last president. Housing is finally starting to pick back. up.
Im not sure why layoffs at a giant gaming company is even an article on this website, that is the nature of the business and happens every day. these articles are worthless.
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