First of all, to fully appreciate the game, you should've played it on the Xbox back when it came out. There was something about the PC version that just made the game seem kinda...mediocre. It's not just the lack of co-op, the game just didn't feel that good.
But anyways, Halo single player was just fantastic for its time despite the repetitive level design. The real highlight for me was the amazing outdoor battles, especially on the Assault on The Control Room and Two Betrayal levels, where you had to deal with several ghosts, banshees, wraiths, covenant ground was the most intense stuff I've seen in a shooter for its time. I really can't think of any other shooter before it that offered that kind of experience. And plus, everything else (aside from the repetitive level design) was simply perfect, like the AI (which was by far the best for its time), the well designed and well balanced(in the single player) weapons, the excellent story, vehicles (still fairly new in shooters at that time). Plus, it brought(or atleast popularized) quite a few features that most shooters nowadays tend to use like the recharging health, being able to throw grenades while still holding your gun, melee attacks integrated into the regular weapons etc.
Split-screen multiplayer was quite a bit of fun as well.
BTW, Halo 2 pretty much sucks.
I played the game on xbox when it first came out (never played it on PC). And yes it was great fun, the co-op, the warthog, and the big battles especially.
I disagree with the AI being spectacular. To me it seemed pretty standard type AI, it didnt stand out and make you think clever computer like half-life. And yes the weapons were well balanced - but you could also interperate that as boring.
GoldenEye is a perfect example of a great console shooter - well designed and interesting levels, awesome multiplayer, intuitive control scheme, excellent pick-up-and-play (timetrials!), and great unlockable content - this was back when PC FPS's were more or less eye candy with a great feel but no real gameplay above the typical fps run and gun type stuff.
When Halo came out, while it was new on console it had already been done on PC (again im not ripping on consoles or halo its just it still seems like an average game with a crazy following).
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