splitscreen multiplayer is the best, i have way more fun playing james bond nightfire or timesplitters 1 with me cousins on splitscreen than i do playing stangers on gears over x-box live, and thats why perfect dark zero is cool, cause the offlinee is pretty fun and its for the 360 so it also has ok online...but they need better ones than pdz
i know man i have memeories of just playing nightfire with bots and friends and timesplitters 2
ya thats another thing...BOTS are awsome and when you compare halo to timesplitters (only in offline mulltiplayer) its kinda boring to play halo unless its a system link cause just 4 people is kinda boring after a few games.
I also enjoyed Timesplitters for its support of splitscreen and especially, the BOTS. IMO, bots should be in every game. That is the main reason i enjoyed timesplitters so damb much!
I would always play 4 player split screen on in Call of duty 2 on my friends 360 with him, his brother, and my other friend. It was great and still is, but now that we all have 360s and online, we kind of stopped playing it with eachother and just played online. Not saying thats bad, but there was something about playing split screen that was more fun.
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