Is more of a personal opinion . Saying the best by numbers is like saying Wii is the best gaming console of all time but my picks are
Is more of a personal opinion . Saying the best by numbers is like saying Wii is the best gaming console of all time but my picks are
I believe in santa more than eurogamer
An MMO that plays like a MMO ???! OMG who would of thought
This should read "An MMO that tries to play like an anomalously successful MMO???! OMG, who would have thought"
As for Velocitas8: of course WoW isn't the first MMO to be made (that distinction goes to Meridian59)...that being said, WoW isthe first EQ-styled, MMO to have 11+ million subscribers. And (try to keep up with me here), other dev studios who are making EQ-styled MMOs are naturally going to see how successful WoW is and try to capture the same crack-sauce that WoW seems to have.
WoW is also the first mainstream casual MMO game which rewards players far too easily , there are gamers out there like a challenging and engaging game but no MMO with this criteria will ever go over WoWs 5 - 6.5 million but why should you care ? people play games to be entertained not everyone likes the same thing
And I have clocked quite alot of time on the Aion beta and have spent years on MMOs including WoW for 4-5 and Aion is a great game it might to be the same style to peoples tastes but to say its a bad game is ignorant
If you want to try a recent MMO, Aion is great (and no, it's nothing like WoW as someone ignorantly suggested above. It certainly has basic similarities, but little is shared beyond the standard stuff you see in every MMO.)
Of course it's like WoW. Every MMO that wants to be successful is going to try to be like WoW. It's the nature of the corporate beast. Look: mini-map is nearly identical to WoW. Combat: similar to WoW (minus spell casting knockback). UI: incredibly similar to WoW. Quests: same as WoW (and nearly every other MMO that has come out since EQ1: Kill X number of monster Y).
Seriously, all throughout the beta, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing rougher WoW with a prettier shell. Pretty much the only difference that I found was the chain attack mechanic. But even that felt to have been lifted straight from Guild Wars. Pretty much the entire time I was playing, Aion just felt derivative (and not in a refined way, either).
If anything, I would think that the statement that Aion is "nothing like WoW" is the ignorant one...
An MMO that plays like a MMO ???! OMG who would of thought
its suprisingly good 200% buy
No offense but it should occur to you guys that you are comparing 2 very lightweight games in terms of quality to make your judgement of CO. First I'll address Aion - lots of talk has been going around about this game, but most of the positive feedback was coming from people who hadn't yet seen what it really is, which is another one of those cheap lousy korean MMO's with a little bit more dressing on it. And the other compariaon was DDO, which suffice to say failed horribly and is grasping at straws now with this new 'unlimited' edition. So, if you want to call CO 'good' using those references, then ok, as long as you acknowledge the perspective you're coming from.DVeight8
So you have played Aion past 50 then? If you did you would know its more "than a cheap louse korean MMO"
And CO is only worth playing for its free game time atm but I dont see myself coming back to it
Aion or EVE their pvp are very different to each other though
Farcry 2
Halflife 2
Maxpayne 2
You know its a korean mmo when:
You do a quest in a group to "destroy" and loot things and only one person in the group get the thing each time. (Yay for destroying the stuff 50 times with 6 people on 4 spawn locations!)
I think people are so extremely desperate for this WoW-killer, any WoW-killer, that they forget no such thing exists. Developers are guilty of this too.
They dont realize they are chasing a figment of their imagination, and the first game to come along with cool ideas and a good amount of polish is easily accepted as this mythical creature.
Its like the Lochness Monster. People will see it, they'll be like "OMG finally, proof" then they realize its an island with a tree on it, yet they cling to the belief it exists, still waiting for proof.
Folks...there is no WoW killer. When WoW dies, and take heart that it will, it will be because of old age, perhaps a sequal, but certainly not because something killed it. WoW is an oddity: that is all.
All we can hope for is an excellent, original, and polished MMO that brings us joy.
Sorry to say we will have to keep waiting for a good MMO (I dont think so..there are plenty out there...WWII Online, EVE, LOTRO, Age of Conan,etc). The real issue is that people keep waiting for the WoW killer, the mythical beast, that they dont stand behind a good product that needs your support. Decent MMOs with huge potential die because players abandon them. Ive seen it happen to Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, and its almost happened to Age of Conan.
/end rant lol
Nobody said anything in this thread about it being a WoW-killer. With the 3.5 million subscribers they supposedly have, I'm sure they aren't sitting there with their heads down going, "Man, this game is such a failure because it doesn't have as many people playing as WoW." Obviously any company with a MMORPG would always like to have more subscribers than however many they have, of course.At Gamescon they said they was already working on future content and discussing potential expansion ideas
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