Here is what I don't get; how did the director NOT understand that there would be blow back from the tone and choice of his game? Somehow there is the expectation that you are supposed to be praised no matter what? Part of the problem are sites like Gamespot and IGN. They have become echo chambers of what they deem "good" games and if you don't like those "good" games you are now some sort of "ism" or "ist". Last of Us Part 2 was a great game on a technological level but garbage on a story telling/pacing/internal logic level.
@sparent180: I finished the game and I am still digesting the ending, and yes I get the symbolism of Ellie not being able to play the guitar and the bigger meaning or revenge will cost you everything. It was foreshadowed with Tommy breaking up with Maria. But the story as a whole made Ellie the bad guy and Abby the new Joel with Levi. It really turned a good character like Ellie into this unlikeable thing. I need some more time to think but that is what I got so far.
@sparent180: just as an update, I just got to Santa Barbra and honestly I’m starting to root for the infected. The ONLY thing I feel bad for is the dog I killed in the aquarium.
@sparent180: I can understand there weren't any brochures about Jackson, but STILL Abby even says she doesn't have a plan on how to find Joel when she got there. Her and her friends went off with the intent to kill Joel.... that is it. Their motivations was pure revenge. It was only stupid "luck" that Abby and Joel happened on each other. And trying to "humanize" the WLF team that "they were only there for Joel", only further demonstrates they had no other plan then; kill Joel. I think someone even asks, "What if they come after us?" to which the response was "We will deal with that if that happens."
I will admit right now I have not finished the game and I am in the section were they are trying to get me to feel something for Abby by playing as her. I am at the point where Abby is going to find Owen. But there is a VERY important moment in there that the Scars split away from the WLF because Isaac turned one of them into a martyr.
So Abby as the WLF/Firefly talking about law and order, peace treaties, how she doesn't understand how anyone can join the Scars is a complete and total contradiction of her seeking revenge and anarchy that she caused at the beginning of the game. This is Abby saying her revenge is justifiable, not Ellie's or the Scars.
But that is a larger and somewhat different conversation of what is "justice" in a society where there is no unified government to enforce the laws of society.
Revenge begets revenge is the story here. If an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the law of the land, then everyone will be blind and toothless.
DOA2169's comments