@olddadgamer: Hello! Odyssey is more or less a playground. It has plenty of rewards for completing basic tasks; the really challenging bits are few and far between. I can see an 8-year old getting dozens of hours out of it and developing skills along the way. Nothing made me extremely frustrated, btw, but there are some things towards the REAL ending of the game that push you to exercise almost everything you've learned up until that point.
@kritvichu: It was my decision as senior reviews editor. It may not be the review you wanted, but taking that disappointment a step further in an attempt to discredit Michael isn't necessary or welcome. Don't let your opinion of a video game get in the way of being a decent person.
@Dualmask: Not the space jump! It's something that the game never tells you about, or even hints at. Without spoiling, it's related to a combination of the Power Bomb and the Spider Ball upgrade.
doc-brown's comments