doctores143's forum posts
i tried to erase that purple circle around the button but it just won't!!..any suggestions about what to tell my brother so he won't kill me?ceresar
You can barely see it. If your brother is pissed about that for more than 5 minutes he needs to get a hobby.
I was just sitting on my computer watching the punch out trailer over and over again with excitement (THANK YOU nintendo!!!!)
and then my mom comes up to me and says "whats that music it sounds familier?"
then she sees the trailer and says "OMG they are making a new punch out?!" then she goes on to tell me how she played punch out on the NES with my older brother when he was little. now she cant wait for it
and then i thought "see this nintendo! this is a bridge game for the hardcore and casual"
she also asked if they will have mike tyson >_>
I wish my mom was like that. One time I showed here the mario galaxy trailer and she goes "thats nice dear":(
Look at which games interest you that system.That's it.Lto_thaG
Yea but sometimes it's not that simple. Im getting a 360 because im kinda new the shooter genre since I have played Nintendo since the n64 and the only shooter I have played are 007 titles. Also the xbox has amazing graphics so you have to decide.
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