This and Demon's Souls although you might want to rent DS first. It's not for the fainthearted. If you're up to the challenge it is extremely rewarding.
It hard but not as hard as everyone says it is. It is very unforgiving and it does punish you for making a mistake. It's only as frustrating as you make it to be. If you frustrated by dieing a lot than this is not a game for you. Yes it is a true hardcore Action RPG.
woops, I was thinking of invading and defeating another player (which lowers WT). I figured it worked the other way too, but I guess not. Actually if you defeat a black phantom during co-op, or revive a fellow phantom, it raises WT.
He can't do that either. You can't revive a Blue Phantom as a Phantom only the host can and it will only increase CT. I've heard the Unpatch Asian version you could do do stuff like this but I don't remember. Also he finished world 2 so no one can invade him and he can't summon anyone.
[QUOTE="Young_Charter"]How do I get the Blade that is by the Dragon god ? i killed the Dragon already but how to get the blade ? Young_Charter
You need Pure White World Tendency. Unfortunatly, You're going to have to wait till NG+.
but i beat the game once already
Well you're going to have to wait till NG++. If you plan to be a Blue Phantom in someone else game it will only increase you CT at best and that's if you kill an Invader in both the Patched Asian version (if you play online it will patch it) and the NA version. But you can keep trying and not get anywhere. WT changes can only be done in your game. There is a primeval glitch but that would give you an unfair advantage in PvP thus I cannot share it. Sorry I can't stand cheaters. But someone else might. You could trade for it though.
DA:O on the PC. Demon;s Souls on the PS3. BTW to people who haven't played either and want to. Play DA:O first and if you can on the PC. DS will make DA:O boring. There I said It! I'm sorry BioWare.
[QUOTE="Young_Charter"]How do I get the Blade that is by the Dragon god ? i killed the Dragon already but how to get the blade ? amsfm6
You need Pure White World Tendency. Unfortunatly, You're going to have to wait till NG+.
Helping others as a blue phantom will also raise your WT. If you just killed the Dragon God, you're probably fairly close to White WT anyway. Kill yourself off (in the nexus!) and help people with flamelurker or something until you get it.
Sorry dude but being a Smurf in someone else's game doesn't help up the WT only CT in the Asian Patched version and the NA version. Not sure about the unpatched Asain version.
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