@stealthyninja81 @domxnik True, but hacking is too easy in the game and there are still many hackers. There hasn't been as many as launch but there is still a good amount.
All this 'next generation' stuff is beginning to become ridiculous. You think companies would learn. Look at how people respond to EA's DRM. I recommend everyone to just get a gaming PC. It's worth it in the long run. Plus you get Steam, the greatest thing ever!
Only reason I have stopped playing this game is because of hackers. Having to constantly worry about if someone is going to port behind you and kill you is the most annoying thing. Thankfully they're making everything server side. Hopefully they add more things to work towards progression wise. At the moment you get the best gun and you're set.
I will just leave everyone with this. Most of this IS NOT TRUE, but it give you an idea of what Microsoft could, or will do. We can only wait until E3...if they talk about anything other than Kinect and TV... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201352632321514&set=a.1502700851206.65081.1344751593&type=1&theater
This game has to be on PC. You're finally expanding to Playstation after leaving them out of Halo for so long. Don't continue to leave out your PC fans.
domxnik's comments