domz88's forum posts
hey waz up wanna play online 2nite in australian tym cz m ova sydney so m adding u ok n my psnID is domzzz or boni88 elez dnt worry i'll giv a sms ok l8rz 2nite at 9:30AEST tym ok
hey waz up wanna play online 2nite in australian tym cz m ova sydney so m adding u ok n my psnID is domzzz or boni88 elez dnt worry i'll giv a sms ok l8rz 2nite at 9:30AEST tym ok
September 24, 2007
No releases scheduled.
September 25, 2007
Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights (360, DS)
September 26, 2007
No releases scheduled.
September 27, 2007
Sega Rally Revo (PS3, 360, PC, PSP)
FIFA Soccer 08 (PS3, 360, PC, PSP, DS, PS2, Wii)
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars (PSP)
The Settlers: Rise of an Empire (PC)
Stranglehold (PC)
Sam & Max: Season 1 (PC)
Jam Sessions (DS)
SingStar Rock Ballads (PS2)
Brunswick Pro Bowling (PSP, PS2, Wii)
Stuntman Ignition (PS3)
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII (PC)
Ninjabread Man (Wii)
Anubis II (Wii)
Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick (Wii)
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing (PSP)
September 28, 2007
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC)
DiRT (PS3)
Check it out. You might find somethin you like. lol It's pretty much me just owning the goalie.
I recorded this while in instant replay holding my camera in one hand and controlling the in game camera with the other. lol Just wanted to show off my video to everyone. It's nothing special, though
hey guys i went thru ol the pointsn remarks as well n so many thing complainstht hasn't fixdthe sound,grafixs many mor bt the thin is its a demo n sum says is an older version of the demo well dsnt really matter atleast v gtin to play the half of the game btoltho i hav acompalin bout f08 is dat is nt swift doin skills while ur playin game i mean ina match bt ven u do it with ronaDINHO in main screen(main menu)is really easy bt to me while i was playin the game i found nothin bt as far as to me f07 was da best on the skills like straight away bt m big fan of fifa bt havin a bit doubts on 08 bt no offence to EA "they made a mistake:if theywana get us the totryout the demo den dey should hav gave us 50% instead of giving 15% n nw EA is the main team of F08 is tryin to make a doubt on us on purchasing the game cz of so many complains n pple thinks its nt turning up the way it shuld b n the way they tld us" thats ol i want to say bt request to EA to keep their WORDS as they tld us b4 the game shuld bso ppl cn buy the game without having ne doubt n givin the best compliment to EAn the wohle entire team of F08
PSN ID:boni88
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