donut349 Blog has Episode 10 up!
by donut349 on Comments
Man O' Man! GRAW is my slut
by donut349 on Comments
WOOT! just got GRAW!
by donut349 on Comments
Your Lord is back!... Lvl14!
by donut349 on Comments
A Star Wars game worth playing!
by donut349 on Comments
Yes! Lvl 13 now!!!
by donut349 on Comments
Hey my peoples!
by donut349 on Comments
It's been while... some very good news!
by donut349 on Comments
Believe it or not I got my Xbox 360!:D... I cant stop playing it either... anyway heres the story on how I got it...
My friend told me that on Dec 18th that Bestbuy was going to get a shipment of Xbox 360s. The number of boxes was cloudy but merely so of around 30 boxes. My dad went to Bestbuy to see if anyone was camping out over there and not surprising there was at least 25 people there (including families and such). He called me up and told me and asked me if I wanted to stay the night there. I had to think about it for a second but called him back 5 minutes later and said yes. I then called up my holmes Ryan and asked if he wanted to camp with me, he said yes also. I stocked up on provisions and went to pick up my friend. We got there around 9:10 and sat and waited. -------------> So about 10 hours later we saw light and threw a party then it was judgment time.... they passed out tickets. Ryan and I both got are $399.99 and I also got my warranty! Unfortunately for Ryan, some **** neighbor broke into he's crib and jacked his 360 and the prick pawned it! But im trying to get my Dads other system which he bought off and Im going to sell it to Ryan…. Which is taking forever to get delivered by the way.
Anyway, I've been enjoying Call of Duty 2 (playing on Veteran difficulty) and finally got off my ass to write a review. I beat Kameo, and Perfect Dark Zero. I never did write that Half-Life 2 review... I’m also playing God of War which is amazing. I’m getting to be a real **** when it comes to Condemned, its amazing but I feel the need to have to **** my pants when I play it :cry:...
Anyway Thx for reading...
I beat Half-Life 2!!!
by donut349 on Comments
I recently bought Half-Life 2 for the Xbox, since my pc didn't have the system specs. I’ve been playing it for the past week and I've finally beaten it! Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to play it because of homework and test and such. I may make a review of it this weekend.
I've also caught and eye infection called “Stye”. It starts as a sensitive, red, swollen area on the surface of the eyelid along the eyelash line. After that it changes into a small, tender bump like an acne pimple. It's actually healed up pretty nicely; I’ve had it for the past 4 days also.
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