75$?!?! HOLY CRAP. Still this is a WAAAAAAY better game and godfather. More interaction, more stuff to do, a swear button, and the only wii game where you there is a coke-selling minigame. Great game, but up here in the chilly north of canada its 60$.
Well congrats :) I'm playing Scarface,ah yes,a question for those who own the game.What does it mean when you go to one of your fronts and sell coke to the shopowner and a message pops up,"store coke demand 105%"(or something like that)?Lto_thaG
That just means the more demand the more $$$ you make. I love scarface, such a great game. How fast could anyone beat that I wonder?
All good things come in time. The hard drive WILL come. And when it does the demos will follow after. Plus we need that hard drive for the downloadable wiiware games.
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