I just resumed using the one that came with the Halo 5 console, the sticks feel a bit better, also the bumpers seem an improvement (I previously played with the titanfall controller and the day one edition controller)
My controllers both work perfectly ( the Day one controller and Titanfall controller) maybe you should take better care of your controllers or avoid touching them with sticky fingers( my nephew's controller died that way)
Nope, they actually seem lousy if you have had the console for a while (Xbox One) out of the 360 deals Darksiders is one of the hidden gems of last gen, same with Red Faction Guerrilla
it's good to get a console with such an extense library, how old is your daughter? I had some play time with my nieces in Sesame's street once upon a monster (kinect) and Dance Central (Kinect) other than that, Rayman Origins, and Rayman Legends are pretty solid games for any age, you could try getting her Fable 2 if you want something more adventure oriented that can last her a while, Viva PiƱata is also a solid game for people of any age.
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