I don't even want to see the new trailer, I want to see everything for the first time when I play the game, Deus Ex Human Revolution is one of my favorite games from last gen, even remembering some of the game brings chills!
Both, the creature design in dark souls is great, although some creatures do look in the witcher, and being an open world seamlessly integrated and having a huge amount of NPCs The Witcher has that hands down
@oflow: Yep. That's how you know they're trolls for sure. Anyone who has actually played either Halo 5 or Forza and views them as flops can be nothing but a troll, or someone recovering from severe head trauma and not in possession of all their faculties
or hasn't played them at all, but you know this is the internet, people actually try to form opinions on things they haven't tried yet
Halo 5 is great in both content and gameplay, I don't even get all the criticism about the campign, anyway, we can make this a healthy forum for actual xbox users
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