I love that GS does these articles just for me. Since I am the only one in the comments for articles about Pokémon Go, makes me feel kinda special <3 also makes up for me having to put up with 15 Fortnite articles every day- that could easily have been combined to be one article, that's content has been covered everyday that week by the previous fifty articles.
@UltimateBastard: ya I looked that up, some hack who has a garbage career, who nobody has even heard of, manages to remember "inappropriate behavior" that didn't even amount to getting his wiener grabbed, from a party back in 1986- an allegation that has a lot of relevance in 2018. Why wasn't this reported back in 1986? Polaroids or it didn't happen!
@ccgod: the underage individual in question Kevin Spacey met IN A NIGHTCLUB! In Canada that means you're 19, in the US it means you're 21! That's ADULT wiener either way you grab it.
I've never heard of it, otherwise I might have tried to see it. Stupid metoo generation, Spacey is a fine actor and should be able to grab any wiener he wants.
Dr_Vancouver's comments