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dragon_king64 Blog

Portable Game Bonanza

Well, lately I've been hankering for some new portable games. Plus, I need to start building up my new PSP collection. Anyways, tonight I went to Gamecrazy and I already had two games in mind that I wanted and they are Mortal Kombat Unchained for PSP and Diddy Kong Racing DS for DS. For one, I love Mortal Kombat  and I just had to get it for PSP and two, I had to get Diddy Kong Racing DS because that was like one of my favorite N64 games ever and also because that commercial kept wanting me to get this game even more.

Anyways, I ended up buying both games. At first I asked the Gamecrazy Clerk how much both of them were. Then, he told me that originally MK: Unchained was $39.99 but was then lowered to $29.99 which was pretty tight. Then, I asked how much Diddy Kong Racing DS was and he said it was $29.99 and the he told me a second later that they just received a used copy and they would sell it for $24.99. Of course I bought the used one. It was still in great condition and it still looked new only without the plastic wrap. Not a bad deal at all. Pretty good for a night's worth of game shopping if I do say so myself.

Mortal Kombat: Unchained (PSP)

Diddy Kong Racing DS (DS)

Da Package (Episode 23) Blog Edition

Another day, another blog edition of Da Package. Actually, the 2nd one to be exact. Of course, it's not a game this time, hence no gameplay footage/ video version of Da Package. Anyways, here we go. ** Rip Rip**. Let's see, I got a brand new Sonic Rush DS Skin for my Nintendo DS. I got it for $5 Brand new and free shipping, yay. Now, I'm gonna put it on my DS. Damn, it sure looks cool on my DS. Well, until next time G-Spot, peace out.

Sonic Rush DS Skin

Just Got a PSP

Well, I guess today was my lucky day because today my bro decided to sell his PSP to me. Of course I bought it. He sold it to me for only $140. But, it was a good deal because he included the charger, a metal case, original box, a warranty that's still good, 3 games (includes Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories , Infected, and Splinter Cell Essentials) and, 1 movie (Sin City). Now, I can finally get the PowerStone Collections and Mortal Kombat: Unchained games I wanted.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PSP)


Infected (PSP)

Splinter Cell: Essentials (PSP)

Sin City

Da Package (Episode 18) Blog Edition

What up Gamespot? I decided not to do a video version of Da Package this time because what I got wasn't a game hence I couldn't show you any gameplay footage and it would pretty much be the same as the old episodes, so I want to steer clear from that. Anyways, on with the blog/show/whatever. I just got a brand new 4X Mega Memory card for the dreamcast. It only cost $5 all together. So, that's about 800 blocks of Memory. A standard dreamcast memory card would have only 200 blocks. Not a bad buy, not bad at all. Until next time, peace out.

4X Mega Memory Card for Dreamcast

Recently Beaten/ Backlog Games Update #4

Well, I just recently beat a few games and here they are:

Second Sight (Gamecube)

Cruis N USA (Nintendo 64)

Cruis' N World (Nintendo 64)

True Crime: Streets of L.A. (Gamecube)

Mortal Kombat 2 (Game Gear)

Robotech: Battlecry (Xbox)

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Gameboy Advance)

That's it for now. My backlog is bad enough as it is, it'll probably get worse due to my constant game buying. Oh well, it's a start.

I got a Goody from Sam Goody

Today, I went to the mall with my Dad and Bro. We just hung out and checked out some stores. I saw a cool Promo Cut-out for Diddy Kong Racing DS for of course the DS at EB Games. I'm definetly gonna get it when it comes out. We checked out EB Games but they didn't have anything good today.Next, we went to Hot Topic and my Dad bought my bro a shirt that he wanted. They also had a cool DethKlok shirt. My Dad asked me if I wanted it but the only problem was they only had crappy small sizes. So, next we went to Sam Goody and I checked out the games section and I found Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer for Xbox for only $10. My Dad got it for me since I couldn't get my Dethklok shirt. It was all good.

Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer (Xbox)


The Old Switcheroo

Today, after work me and my friend zombiekiller1 a.k.a Lynn did our usual routine of going to the game stores. Today, we went to EB Games and a funny thing happend. Apparently, Lynn noticed that the Gameboy Advance game(s) case was open, actually the door was broken off. Anyways, me and Lynn decided to see if there was any good Gameboy Advance games (at least we didn't have to ask the counter guy to open the case). I found Street Fighter Alpha 3 and it was only $14.99. But, here's the funny part. Since the case was open I decided to pull a switcheroo with the price tags. So, basically I just switch the price tag/sticker from another game that was $4.99 for the $14.99 price tag/sticker that was on Street Fighter Alpha 3. Lynn also did the same, he did it for Sonic Battle, so he switched the $20 sticker on it for a $4.99 one as well. After, that we went to pay for our games seperately. The funny thing is the whole sticker switcheroo we did worked. Me and Lynn laughed our asses off afterwards because it actually worked. That was just some funny stuff right there. I also picked up Robotech: Battlecry and Need for Speed Underground for Xbox.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (GBA)

Robotech: Battlecry (Xbox)

Need for Speed Underground (Xbox)

What an Awesome Christmas Eve/Christmas Day I Had

Let me start off by saying I got what I wanted for Christmas and that is my Zoom Box. I actually got it on Christmas Eve. It's freakin' awesome. Anyways, on Christmas Eve my family and I went to my Aunt's house for a Christmas party. It was more of a Christmas Eve/Christmas party. Anyways, I brought all the presents I bought for my cousins. I also brought my Xbox w/ 5 games for some party fun. I brought Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Fusion Frenzy, Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, Guilty Gear X2, and Doom 3 Collector's Edition.

First, my cousins and I played Mortal Kombat Armageddon. We played Motor Kombat first. We played a few rounds of that and the funny thing was the computer kept winning. I would like always get either 2nd o 3rd place. Next, we played just regular Kombat. Not to be cocky, but I was undefeated. My cousin's tried but failed. I won 8 matches in a row. Next, we played Fusion Frenzy.All my cousins seemed to get hooked on this game. Then, again it is an awesome party game. There favorite minigames seemed to be Trailblazer (the tron like one), Sumo, and the Twisted System. My cousin Thomas and me were really going at it at Twisted System. A few minigames later, it was time to open presents. Finally, the moment of truth came to see the smiles on my cousins faces. All my cousins seemed to love the presents I got them. I got them some games of course.

I wasn't expecting to get anything, nor did I want anything. But, out of nowhere my cousin Thomas got me a present. I opened it and it was Metroid Prime Hunters for DS. I was so suprised, I really wasn't expecting anything. What a good cousin he was. I got Thomas like 4 games and some GTA: San Andreas Gift Wrap (Ironic, isn't it?). I also got 2 other gifts from my Aunts. From one I got some nice Cologne and from the other I got a cool watch. After, everyone cleaned after the gift wrap and started playing with there gifts. I told him I just got Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin for DS and then I asked my cousin Thomas if he got it and he told me no.Then, like 10 minutes later he busts out with his DS w/ what do you know, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is in it. He's such a trickster.

Of course, I busted out my DS w/ Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin inside. Then, me and Thomas played multi-player and we did Co-op mode and it was great. Though it looked like I had some work to do because I need to unlock some more characters and 2 more levels. Next, we tried shop mode but I only had 2226 gold which couldn't by squat. Oh, well. It was cool to see what I could buy though. Late into the night, people started to leave. My Mom was cool and asked me and my bro if I wanted to stay the night and we said heck yes. So, it was me, my bro, and my cousin Thomas who had the whole night to ourselves.

The first thing we did was created some Mii(s) on the Wii. Just one of me and my bro. Then, my bro and Thomas played some Wii sports. Next, we played Doom 3 on the Big Screen w/ the lights out and the volume turned up. I let Thomas play it since I already beaten it. He really seemed to like it. We played till 1:00 A.M and then we crashed in his room. The next morning we got up at around 9:00 A.M. and me and Thomas played Guilty Gear X2. It was great. Then, next we played some Fusion Frenzy. We played all six stages. Then, a few minigames later, my Mom called and asked when she wanted to pick me and my bro up and then she decided she'll pick us up till 6 P.M.

Which was cool because we could hang out with Thomas all day and game some more. After, Fusion Frenzy which Thomas won by the way. We played Mortal Kombat Armageddon, my bro said he could beat me but I whooped him once again. Then, after a few rounds with Thomas and my bro, we then played Motor Kombat. I actually beat the computer at being 1st place. After, MK: Armageddon we decided to play some Wii. We played Wii Sports, DBZ: Tenkaichi 2, Red Steel, Vitual Console: Gunstar Heroes and Altered Beast. All great stuff. We eventually took a lunch break, we had some Jack In the Box.

After that, we got back into some gaming. We then played some Classic Doom (Co-op to be exact w/ my bro and Thomas).We managed to beat the whole game together. Though my bro didn't want to beat Doom 2 with me and Thomas. My parents came at around 6 P.M. and decided to chill for a while and chat with my Aunt. Me and Thomas started playing Doom 2 and let me tell you, it's a lot harder than the first. We got really far on it, but a few hours later my parents told me we had to go. Me and Thomas were so close to beating it, we only had a few levels left. We left at around 9:45 P.M. It was definetly one of the best Christmas Eve(s)/Christmas day(s) I ever had.

Zoom Box

Metroid Prime Hunters


Check out my Cool New Gamer Swag

Yesterday, after work me and zombiekiller1 a.k.a Lynn just went out to finish our Christmas shopping for our cousins and also to treat ourselves to a little somethin' somethin'. We went to gamecrazy and we browsed around and we found some of those cool Street Fighter Minimates for only $5. They only had Evil Ryu vs. Shin Akuma which was cool because I didn't have them. So, me and Lynn each bought ourselves oe. After GAmecrazy we went to EB Games and then we went to KB Toys for the rest of our Christmas shoppping. After KB Toys, my friend had to use the restroom and so we went next door to Ross to use it. After that, we almost left when something caught our eyes. It seems they were having a video game controller sale (PS2 and GAmecube Controllers). They had these cool Spider-Man vs. Venom Gamecube Controllers that were only $12.99. It was definetly a good bargain. Lynn also bought one for himself too. Who knew Ross had good video game stuff.

Street Fighter 2 Minimates/ Evil Ryu vs. Shin Akuma

Spider-Man vs. Venom Gamecube Controllers