Best open world game:

is without a doubt the greatest open world game of the year, everything about it is amazing, from the graphics and gameplay, to the story and missions. This game truly does grasp the open world genre by the horns and takes you for a ride.
Honorable Mention: [Prototype]
Best Action Adventure.
Assassin's Creed 2

Assassins Creed 2 is by far one of the most gripping and addictive games I've played this generation, it sports lush graphics, amazing characters, and a great story with lots of action, which are all elements that are, when added together properly, used to make an amazing action adventure game like Assassin's Creed 2.
Honorable Mention: Uncharted 2
Best FPS

Borderlands is everything and more that you can possibly want in an FPS, nice graphics, a lot of guns, cool bad guys. And blood, Lots, and lots of blood. Add in the fact that the game has an amazing RPG and open world feel to it, plus witty dialogue and great humor, and you got yourself a great winner for this category.
Honorable mention: Modern Warfare 2
Best DLC game
Battlefield 1943

Despite the fierce competition of amazing titles such as Flower, and Shadow Complex, Battlefield 1943 truly managed to shine through in a display of what can truly only be described as epic game play. With great graphics, addictive gameplay, and amazing online (provided it IS all online) you really cannot go wrong with battlefield, whether you are a veteran to the FPS genre, or a casual looking for a quick game.
Honorable mention: Flower
Best Racing Game
Forza 3

There was no doubt in my mind that Forza 3 was the clear winner of this title, not only is it an amazing racing game, it is also an amazing DESIGNING game, Forza 3 features one of the most detailed and amazing design engines in a game I have ever seen. You can literally make almost every car. Everything about this game also just screams amazing, from graphics, to gameplay, to the online marketplaces, heck even the games MENUS are fun to browse.
Honorable mention: Dirt 2
Best 360 game
Halo 3 ODST

Sadly for most 360 gamers this year was a very slow year for the popular console. Yet, amidst all the muck and nothingness, shone one bright star. A sequel to the consoles most famous franchise, ODST delivers hard, offering both amazing gameplay, great atmosphere and addictive online, even the most hardcore of fanboys can have a hard time saying that this game is truly one to be missed.
Honorable mention: Forza 3
Best PS3 Game:
Uncharted 2

When I first picked up my controller and began playing Uncharted 2, the first word uttered out of my lips was "wow" Which truly does sum up everything about this game, from the best console graphics we've seen since Killzone 2 and Gears 2, too some of the best gameplay this gen has ever seen, this game is truly one for the books, and it definetly wins the reward as PS3 game of the year.
Honorable Mention: Ratchet and Clank Future Crack in Time
Best Wii game:
New Super Mario Bros Wii

Sadly, just like the 360 the wii has fallen upon some dark times in terms of quality titles this year, and also similarly to the 360, the starving console has turned to its most popular franchise to bring it out of its ditch. Mario bros Wii, is truly a great experience, and I know one of the best platformers I've played in a LONG time. Add in a great 4-player co op experience and you have yourself an obvious choice for the Wii's game of the year.
Honorable mention: Muramusa The Demon Blade
Best DS game
Pokemon Platinum

I know a lot of people are going to hate me for this one, and quite frankly IM mad at myself that I'm allowing simply a port intended to milk more money out of consumers is being named my best DS game of the year. But the thing is, this. Game. Is. Amazing. Pokemon Platinum manages to take all the little problems in Diamond and Pearl and fix them up, polish up the graphics a bit, add a LOT of new mini games and missions which add HOURS of enjoyment onto the game, while still retaining thecla-sic pokemon charm. Despite how much I hate greedy corporations, and milked franchises, not even I can deny the clas-sand charm of this amazing RPG title.
Honorable mention: Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Best PSP game:
Prinny: Can I really be the Hero?

Prinny can I really be the hero really shows that the PSP is more then a shallow ended weaker graphic version of the consoles. Prinny manages to blend in an amusing story, with some of the greatest characters I've seen this whole entire generation, plus great gameplay, and some of the most artistically beautiful graphics I've seen this entire gen, all while managing to fit on the hardware limitations of the portable market. And it is for these reasons that I feel it without a doubt deserves the award of best PSP title.
Best Graphics
Uncharted 2

I think it is quite obvious that I would pick this as having the best graphics, and well to be honest, quite frankly, if you thought I would pick something else then you need to get your eyes checked. Not Only does Uncharted 2 sport the best visuals this year, it is also unarguably the most impressive looking console game we've seen this entire gen, everything about it is almost life like, and incredibly polished. There is no doubt in my mind that Uncharted 2 deserves the reward for best graphics this generation.
Honorable Mention: Assassins Creed 2
Most Dissapointing game:
Tony Hawk Ride:

So now, why would I name this my most disappointing game of the year? Well, for one Microsoft practically spent a half an hour during there whole E3 presentation calling this game the best thing since sliced bread. Plus the fact that I myself used to be a huge tony hawk fanboy (pro skater FTW!) and the fact that at E3, to be honest it really didn't look half bad at all. Now, I have no clue what went wrong in the six months between E 3 and now, but whatever it is I want to kill activision for basically stomping on my childhood and burying its remains.
Game of the Year:
Now, before I name the game of the year I would just like to say, like always this has been an amazing year for both me, and video gamers in general, and that I personally LOVED all of the nominees in the above and below games (with the exception of you Tony Hawk Ride, you can still go kill yourself.) SO I would just like to say that picking this game of the year was an intense decision that required lots of brain power, thinking, and several rounds of eenie meenie minie moe. And it is without further ado that I announce the winner of my Game of the Year:
Uncharted 2

Just looking at Uncharted 2, it is for many obvious reasons why it wins my game of the year. For one the voice acting and story are both phenomenal, and near perfection. Plus the fact that it has top notch graphics, plus gameplay epic to the scale that it seemed like almost every single level was completely breathtakingly unique, and it all fit together amazingly.
Honorable mention: Borderlands
Well…I suppose this is all for now, however I will include a small bonus for you, I am going to list off my top five most hyped games for 2010, which is already being predicted by many analysists and gamers like myself, as being one of the best years for video games we've seen in a LONG time.
My top 5 most hyped games for next year are:
5. Last Guardian(PS3)

4. Final Fantasy 13(PS3/360)

3. Alan Wake (360)

2. 3D Dot Hero(PS3)

- Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver

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