fps less than 80 , mmo less than 200
draticon's forum posts
Only pretty much played WoW and WAR ...If you left cos they are too much of a time sink...try a mmo that doesnt require alot of time..ive heard things like that bout EVE.
Kings bounty - The Legend
Im just finishing The Witcher Too..when its over I have no idea what to do, Maybe replay KOTOR
warhammer gets boring when you realise theres alot of space and things to do but noone to help you out. The ui need s bit of work too. in theory its great though but the population just isnt there.
Im still waiting for the right game too (after quiting wow after a few years)....could be a very long wait.
White lions and Shadow warriors/Squig Herders were buggy / underpowered. Warrior Priest was great to play/solo.
It was entertaining for a little while but when you realise the game is centred around having lots of people playing with you it will decline.. Not enough ppl being recruited to help you/play with at low levels.
My advice stick to a single player game for a while until something else arises.
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