If by rank you mean your bars; I think just overall XP raises it it. I think right now I'm rank three; but I only play competative, not coop. (well not yet).
Not sure if there's a max level, gotta be pretty high up there though.
I believe Im the only one that can be Pitying Foo's...and I pity the creator of this thread.
The opinion posted is worse than the user reviews given to Valkryria...by some guy who doesn't own the game and has never played it.
The graphics have gotten a decent boost from the first Resistance. The water is beautiful; leaves fall from trees as you under them; dust kicks up in the wind; it's amazing.
The sound works great in surround, especially online so you know where people are shooting at you from.
Multiplayer...god it's addicting; nonstop mayhem.
I pity the foo's that pity the foo's that like this game.
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