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The Mist Review

Sorry I have not been on in a long time cause I went camping for 4th of July and was a fun week though not as it was dead compared to last year probably cause of the economy. Well for those who have been waiting here it is.

The Mist

Rated R

Min. 126

The mist is about a town that is sent into disaster after a terrible storm hits the town only to be greeted by the mist but as the mist gets bigger people realize that creatures are in the mist and so a bunch of survivors take refuge in a grocery store where they will fight against the monsters while being seperated into groups by beliefs and it gets SCARY!

The Mist has a great story as the story was based on one of Stephen King's very scary stories plus so great special effects and at least keeping it scary without getting to gory or bloody but that doesnt mean there arnt gory and scary parts just not to many witch I like cause I think scary movies should have great stories while not being to gory and bloody.

So I say you should give it a try cause you might like it.

Score 9.5/10



Ahh been sleepy and been taking naps more than usual. Ah well I rented to games for the PS3 and they are Virtua fighter 5 and Turning point fall of liberty so I'll play those and I'm watching The Mist witch is a good movie so I thought Id watch it and review it so look forward to that. There is going to be last installment for the final destination series called The Final Destination(Im not sure why they didnt just do Final Destination 4 but oh well we got another so woohoo!) COMMENT!

Need a game!

I need a game cause I just beat resident evil 2 for N64 and its a awesome game but now I need a new one cause I cant do stuff outside cause its so hot outside and I'll burn to death so I am going to try to rent a PS3 game mabye 2 I dont care I need something that doesnt mean going outside.


We are having a heatwave in Iowa its like above a 100 degrees and its burning outside so everyone is staying inside. So I think I'll stay in this nice cold room with this computer and just blog,comment,and mabye a review or 2. Hopefully you guys arent having heatwaves. This could have been caused by global warming. If its true on what those geeks say about the earth getting to hot and the ice caps melt and flood the earth then we are screwed! Unless there could be a way to survive if this flood comes. Heres my idea. They take and build huge,HUGE boats and stick em together to make a floating metropolis where they had everything you had in life except on a boat like walmart,gamestop,barnes and noble all that stuff was on there. Plus if everyone wore lifejackets we can survive. Hopefully this wont happen or hopefully its not true. Comment about this.

Well um (50th blog post hooray!)

Well happy 50th blog post and well its been sorta boring lately but its almost July and you know what that means. FIREWORKS!!!!!! I love fireworks plus I need to buy some to blow up in our backyard. Plus Im going to the middle shool to try out instuments for 6th grade. Im going to play the percussion for 6th grade band and I bet its going to be fun. Well I'll tell you about it when I go this month. I'll blog later. COMMENT!

Uh Oh!

I got a warning from gamespot about annoying someone and they deleted my review for megaman 8 witch I think was a bad review but why did I get in trouble its just bullcrap it didnt hurt anybody! Im really mad about this!

Missed out

Sometimes I feel I should have found this place earlier cause hearing from alot of people who whove been here along time say it was alot more active back then when ther was alexn and all these game competions and stuff and it sound so fun. Well summer is slow as todays fathers day and I forgot to get my dad a card so hopefully I can do something that will make him happy. Now The just stuff union is going down the drain as I cant get a icon,banner,images,or video uploaded witch sucks so I might have to make a new leader. Well some good news I got a cellphone and it rocks! At first I didnt know how to text but I learned now. My phone can download music witch Im trying to figure out how to do it. I got some new favorite bands like Silversun Pickups,Yeah Yeah Yeahs,and Beck all of witch youve probably never heard of so look em up. Anyway pretty bored need to try another game for the PS3 cause I havent got any for a while now. Well dad wanted to see Gran Torino like everbody else so we are going to watch it. Just joined leuge of reviewers witch sounds like a fun union so check it out. Well thats it for now. COMMENT


Im not sure what to right about well there is some stuff. Well Im now level 11 now,plus been getting back into the habit of reviewing. Mainly just bored.

How Blacksite area 51 been going.

The games allright but not as good as I expected. Its allright nothing great and Im almost done with the game but Im stuck on this part so I'll try to beat it. I'll tell you when Im done.