@Celsius765 @bwgamer Hmmm...If Steam can support most of the intense PC games like Battlefield and is competitively priced, I could see myself getting that.
Yeah Microsoft really need to stop charging for Gold, thats one of the main things that is turning me off from choosing them next gen.
I still think that MS will lead sales next gen though, like they did this gen vs sony.
@digi-demon @dribblesbarbax The Move, the Kinect AND all of motion gaming is trash, don't just be a fanboy and include Sony and Microsoft yet forget to mention Nintendo, the ones that ushered in that garbage
@dribblesbarbax Yeah but unfortunately, they already crossed the bridge where they could have convinced most of the nay sayers like myself and many other gamers, which is: the hardware and a regular controller
@digi-demon @J_Dangerously PFFT PLEASE, thats the biggest load of shit, I tried the WiiU controller and it did not make me "not enjoy picking up those other controllers/handhelds you own" it actually made me miss them more!
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