@CharlieSpot look man I like Sub-Zero but that doesn't mean I know the whole MK universe, I have no idea who mileena or kitana is, I wan't to play mk9 but with the whole online pass being required idk if I will (its kind of my own personal boycott)
@carolynmichelle Now looky here, I don't have a problem with gays or lesbians or whatever, my point of view is I don't agree with it but its your life, however what I do have a problem with is that from personal experience, lgbt people tend to love attention, no one here even knew or cared that this video game character was transexual, but it seems to me like you just want to go and make a big deal about it. Look idk what your original gender is, but like STrugglingFool said, no matter how hard you try, you will always be what you are, the best thing I can tell you is to just be proud of who YOU are.
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