hello, I have been playing Morrowind again does anybody still play it or even like it. I do with some good mods it better then Obilivion
dreamofthekai Blog
I'm back after a bit from blogs
by dreamofthekai on Comments
I'am back from a break of writting brogs as a mini protest againest those that cannot be name.
Leave a comment and say hello
p.s reading the lording of the rings
pss. have you got the refefence yet
Welcome to Canada
by dreamofthekai on Comments
Welcome to Canada
Hello, there are several things I would like to talk about which involves Canada political system. The first thing to talk about is the political system of Canada which is based on the British system in which we have a Prime Minister and a party system which at this time is three parties. The party that is in charge right now is the Conservative Party of Canada which is in a minority parliament right now. The second biggest party is that of the Liberal party of Canada which is lead by Stephen Dion which is from the province of Quebec. The last major federal party is that of the New Democratic Party lead by Jack Layton.
any played warship gunner 1 or 2
by dreamofthekai on Comments
I have and both a different and also fun
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