"Final Fantasy 7 HD remake at launch will be bundled with PS4 and PS Vita."*mic drops**Chocobo sound*Sony, get it done.
@Commander_Snowy and the crowdhttp://cdn.alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/****-yeah-aww-yeah-l.png
In the presentation of E3, I saw myself throwing money at my computer screen. I hope they can do better than they did at E3, so they really have my money.
@GermanBomber the reaction of the crowd:http://cdn.alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/****-yeah-aww-yeah-l.png
@jrcast84 I think that every month a PS+ member will receive a free copy of a indie game, so Octodad could be included
drodriguesaar's comments