I'm more concerned on why you're banned considering you had fair warning before that your conduct was unacceptable. This sounds like a personal choice and your "it's all their fault!" reaction.
Break the rules, live the consequences. You knew you did wrong; it's your fault.
"Don't care" isn't the same thing as "wouldn't notice." EA is saying in their defense that 99.8% of people that used the form of DRM has not had a problem with it and wouldn't notice it, where as the mere .2% of people it caused issue with are the ones protesting.
... Stop making things up. It's pretty simple to understand if you read it.
This is the part of piracy that the companies thrive on but will never get user-support with. It's the part of piracy that prevents people from rebuying software because they broke it... or having people buy a game to try it and realize the game sucks. These things happened before we had the ability to pirate games as easily as now, and even though it seems harmless, it still does affect sales, even if it's not necessarily for your benefit. The fact that people are able to pirate games, try them, and know not to buy them, or similarly, download a game they bought before instead of repurchasing it still takes the profit out of their hands. They still lose money from it because they otherwise would have gotten money from these sales
No one will probably understand what I'm saying though. But I still consider it piracy.
The only thing I don't like about Nintendo these days seems to be the lack of creativity WITHIN THE GAMES. I love the idea that they are trying new things with the hardware, but when you dish out mario, zelda, and metroid titles like they're toliet paper eventually you get tired.
I want to see a new franchise from Nintendo. One they can have the balls to completely separate from their other ones and not even relate it to mario or zelda. I know I speak for a lot when I say that Nintendo DOES have a tendency to leave out the gamers that look for titles like this. I remember playing some of the best role-playing games on a Nintendo. I remember playing some of the most fun fighting games on a Nintendo system. Their stress of gameplay over graphics is a nice way to go, but they STILL need to work on utilizing gameplay to the best of their ability... and this includes something new for a change in the games we play.
The bottom line is that this isn't something we can blame the developers for. People pirate PC games all the time and sooner or later it will catch up to the PC gaming industry. It has now. These companies run a business and PC gamers that pirate anything are taking away from sales that otherwise would have been acquired thrhough buying the game legally.
If you want to make a change, then encourage people you know to stop stealing games and destroying their own platform.
Console gaming hasn't been the same in years for me. I wouldn't put money on it that it would ever be as good either. Sorry, Nintendo, but your product is better off with my brother and his wife as a Christmas gift.
You can, it's 20 bucks. I clicked on the orange box game via steam and it showed the individual prices (to compare how much you save buying the whole pack). Just click on Portals when it shows it.
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