I get this message every time I try to turn on my 60gb ps3. My playstation was working fine when i turned it off the night before, I have no idea what to do and I am kind of freaking out. I have not customized or anything, it should be in the same condition as purchased. Any help is appreciated!
Many time players actually do try to hit the cutoff man, its quite simple baseball actually but your right that it is not always done. I am pretty sure there was an option when the ball was in the air to cut it off in last game if a player was close enough anyway.
So what would you say the next big multi-player release will be? Now when I say big I mean Warcraft 3, Call of Duty, or Starcraft big. I guess I would say Starcraft 2 possibly not sure, what do you guys think?
Its not completely new, about a month old. Also, im expecting a few extra games for a "trade" like this seeing as I only have one game for ps3 (CoD4.) Im not sure though, ebay may be a good call/
Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I had no idea where to put it. Anyway I was kind of wondering if there is any place on the web where I could try to trade my system (New PS3) for an X-Box. If you have any ideas on how to do this just reply here, it would be really appreciated. -David
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