Yea, "your" gameplay is probably fine, but everyone else most likely sees you lagging across the screen.just an update for anyone who searches this topic, i have been playing on xbox live using 3 mobile broadband, i have played about 15 hours online multiplayer on modern warfare 2 and i havn't lagged once, maybe i am just lucky but it is going good so far, my ping is a lil high but it doesn't affect my gameplay at all, ping sits at about 100, run a ping test via the 3 connect app, and see what your ping is, hope this helps someone :D
dsgrce's forum posts you may be wondering i need help!..I just got my new wireless network adaptor today and plugged it into my wouldnt work so i tested the connection..It said "wireless network not connected" Im using a D-Link wireless router WBR-1310 and ive been using it for months now with an ethernet cable..why wont it work with my new wireless network adapter??..Much Thanks!:)
There can be many different things going wrong for you here. I recommend checking this page out as it may help you out a bit.
ok i had a 360 and had to sell it (money issues) bad times:(
so now there all sorted ive got a new 360 good times :)
the things is i played oblivion on my old 360 must of done over 70 hours on it. i hadnt completed the main quest but i did all the guilds and praticly all the scarterd mission including the downloadable content. but i never finished the main story. now ive got a new 360 i dnt know if i should get the game and play allllllll ovvvvveeeerrr agen or just to leave it. i do like the game but i dnt know if il get bored going thru the same stroys agen.
If you want to play it again, then do so. You really don't need to ask other people.
I don't know whats worse: the "children" that you run into online (and i say online and not XBL, because its everywhere not just on XBL), or the people that have to consistantly complain about the "children" online.
Enough of "something has to be done about this" crap. Nothing needs to be done, and nothing is going to be done. This is a free world, people get to do and say what they want (within the law, of course). What do you honestly think can be done here that can't already be done with the tools you have available to you (ex. Muting and Blocking)? Seriously!
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