No dislikes :D .....I'm finally free to post my true opinion without fear of being thums downed into submission. The assassins creed engine need to be changed, its begining to look outdated and oh, stop with the annual releases already , its becoming more and more like Cod
you my friend should take a course in genetics before calling others idiots. A person such as desmond in the year 2012 should not look remotely anything like altair or ezio (they were from totally different ethnic backgrounds and genetic pools). Even in his ancestry with connor who was in the seventeen hundreds desmon is only related by about 0.25% hence the fact that desmond just so happens to resemble his ancient ancestors is simply a choice on the part of the game developers further immerse the player in the game :P
LOL lets face it miyamoto, the wii died 4 years ago due to the painful lack of third party support and oh not to mention the heaps of shovvelware....oh and the wiiu is already having doors closed on it by developers....Before its release XD
The wiiu....uhhhhhh....i'll admit i had some fun with my wii but after a year it got real boring real fast ...haven't played it in over 2 years ....but the wiiu looks pretty decent ...with some actual 3rd party support and all....but it doesn't look like the console for me ...i prefer to play games the way i always have with a mouse, keyboard or controller...just a personal opinion....
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