Type in www.Modernwarfare3.com in your web browser and look at the website that appears ...looks like some viral marketing on DICE's part ....Kotick wont be happy about this XD
dstv's forum posts
They finally released the E3 demo they showed behind closed doors
YouTube - BioShock Infinite E3 2011 Demo The First Two Minutes
Variety is the spice of life ....play the game modes you like and stop complaining about the game modes others are playing
Fallout 3 !!...oh wait i loved it from the start....but yeah oblivion was really hard to get into but once it got started i couldn't stop
Well you decide ...personally i think it looks like an N64 game ....a but a really good one....but on a more serious note it looks lame ....even if you forgive the unforgivable graphics the gameplay looks really really shallow...link below
YouTube - Call of Juarez: The Cartel - Street Firefight Gameplay
Lol.... if you were old enough to get the game then nudity wouldnt be problem now would it ?
Once again this thread s over a week old...>XD ....."How do people not understand that"They're split between two companies, so it's more like one type of CoD game every 2 years.
How do people not understand that? Second thread today...
Man i know most of us already hate activision but now its just getting out of hand ....the 8th cod in 7 years (correct me if i'm wrong ) is upon us and i'm pretty sure treyarch has already begun work on the 9th ...do you think this trend will end any time soon like gutar hero did beacause i'm getting lost with their game release schedule ...more overpriced black ops dlc is coming out even though MW3 has already been announced *end rant*
Do we really have to post the same question/complain every week?
If these "same question/complain every week" are soo annoying then stop commenting on them...unless you have nothing better to do and btw you are commenting on a thead that is over a week oldConsole ....its a personal preference ...yesm i know that pcs have better graphics and supposedly better controls (although i cant stand the thought of using a mouse and keyboard for gaming)...i prefer the simplicity of consoles ...pop in the dics and play ...i dont need to upgrade my console every 2-3 years, it has all the specs to run the games on it, i dont have to assemble it myself and it has some pretty slick console exclusive games
None ....i dont play video games long enough to stay high up on the leaderboard for long ....but i Mw2 i was once 500000 in terms of kills
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