The first gameplay trailer of MW# airs tommorow ...any predictions ?. I predict more annoying killstreaks, slightly better graphics but no new innovation in gameplay
Why did treyarch use the cod 4 engine to build black ops? .....i recently looked up the engine they used and now it all makes sense ..the graphics, the gameplay, the sound are all worse than that of MW2 and to top it all off they used the older engine to build the game even though at the time the new IW 4 engine was out i'm stuck with this purchase till Bc3 comes out
I have better things to do than to stand in line and wate for the death of Halo.
Be prepared for the most disgusting display of fanboyism ever.
Like learning to type. PS3 fanboys can be smelled from a mile away, I wont get it at midnight cause its retarded but i'll get it the 14 for sure when i go out from College.
well im only 17 and i dont like how does this affect probably switching consoles next gen is just too greedy and upon all that they still insult their customers
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