Isnt it a good thing to refresh the playlist with some new songs. I mostly listened to Rock station and little bit of classic Rap due to not having Heavy/Extreme Metal station but i mostly used player custom radio station so even if they removed all the music it wouldnt bother me, can change my custom station tracks depending on my mood or whatever.
@firedrakez: When was the last time you played the game anyways, maybe years ago. How many of the removed songs did you listen to?
Isnt it a good thing to refresh the playlist with some new songs. I mostly listened to Rock station and little bit of classic Rap due to not having Heavy/Extreme Metal station but i mostly used player custom radio station.
I wish someone would just make a proper good single player Conan game. The mmo had a great setting and would be perfect for an rpg or just a good story driven game
Its because kids these days are into battle royale type of crap and lots of online run and gun as well as screaming stupid immature shit into their headsets lol.
@P00DGE: But it didnt pickup up 4 years ago, now its a trend and trends dont last long as we have seen in the past. like my friend got into PUBG so hard, he loved it, now he thinks its a piece of junk and i tend to agree from what i have played.
If you like these types of games well enjoy them, to me its just another online run and gun or hide and gun type of game, play one you pretty much played them all since they all operate on same basics.
I agree, besides MS exclusives are on a PC as well so for me it made perfect sense to have a PS4 for best exclusives and certain other games while other stuff i play on PC plus few good MS exclusives. i think so too, Sony will learn and see what MS did and will more than likely outperform them again on next cycle of systems.
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