If I told you I'd have to kill ya so best wait until the game is out and people can make up their own minds as at this point only speculation as to how good the game will be.
Its fun frenzied and now the stats are all sorted with the patch it actually feels rewarding when you manage to achieve a rank up. If the action is to spread out find a zone flag wait the action to come to you usually doenst take long.
For me I enjoy playing warhawk online more then i do resistance the main area resisance is better on the voice chat is not as slick as resistance which is a great shame but for a ll the games ive played warhawk for online and heavenly sword best single player so far.
Oh and motorstorm for racing carnage so many of the games seen already have a huge opportunity to develop and become real PS AAA titles heavnly sword motorstorm 2 rform 2 updated warhawk thats without the already established ps3 franchises gran turismo and mgs etc.
Dunno bout you guys but us in the UK the release date is Friday which is the 9th but if you have pre ordered it online chances are it will be delivered early.
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