blade waited patiently for the rest of the soilders to get their injections from arceyne. (sorry been gone for a few weeks forgot names.) he looked at the clock. He thought to himself darn it. If he doesn't hurry up well never make it to techno tower in time... he looked at some of the soilders they all looked nervous but the one standing by him was shaking so hard that blade could hear his armor clattering. "Are you nervous?" blade asked. The soilder looked at him and replied "ya, pretty bad." "don't worry. Your be ok if you listen to what I say." blade said. (I hope this is alright. I had some writers block.)
blade waited patiently for the rest of the soilders to get their injections from arceyne. (sorry been gone for a few weeks forgot names.) he looked at the clock. He thought to himself darn it. If he doesn't hurry up well never make it to techno tower in time... he looked at some of the soilders they all looked nervous but the one standing by him was shaking so hard that blade could hear his armor clattering. "Are you nervous?" blade asked. The soilder looked at him and replied "ya, pretty bad." "don't worry. Your be ok if you listen to what I say." blade said. (I hope this is alright. I had some writers block.)
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