How is everyone doing lately? I finally got some time to write this and I decided that I'm going to post more blogs from now on. So I don't feel very isolated like almost always. Yesterday went pretty well and I went out with my cousins and I had a pretty good time because I also played videogames with them and we ate alot. It was a great experience being out with our families. I hope everyone here also has a great time with their families and friends because they are the ones with need to be entertained with. Also have a good day everyone.
dumb_person1 Blog
First blog in a long time
by dumb_person1 on Comments
Level 31// Yesterday
by dumb_person1 on Comments
It seems like I leveled up finally after being stuck in Level 30, I got to Level 31: Blues Brother.:) and the level emblem looks cool because it's an awesome hat.8)
Also yesterday many things happened especially in the forums in which wasn't much to discuss because things seem that have changed lately and I hope they return to normal. Also I went to school to take an test in which I hope to get a good grade and I hope my school year turns out great.
Today// Storms
by dumb_person1 on Comments
Glitches// 200 friends// School
by dumb_person1 on Comments
Well glitches are still affecting us and we might as well resist them. Also the massive glitches have even affected gamespot because my level percentage decressed:cry: I hope they fixed that soon.
Also today I reached 200 friends and that's a good thing, I guess:|
Also school was good today and the teachers didn't gave hard work or homeworks. But if they give homeworks I will do them to get better grades.:)
Tagger King// Glitches
by dumb_person1 on Comments
I finally got a new emblem in gamespot and it's called Tagger King and it looks really cool though. Also this emblem was very hard to get. But finally I got it.:D
Anyway there has been alot of glitches in the site lately because I couldn't even post in the forums or comment on blogs because of this glitch.:( Also yesterday I couldn't even go to the site because of the glitch and for me to comment on blogs I have to use gamespot to do that. Also I hope the glitches get fixed as soon as possible.:)
School Started
by dumb_person1 on Comments
These Days
by dumb_person1 on Comments
It's been a while
by dumb_person1 on Comments
Level 30!/ Today
by dumb_person1 on Comments
Finally I reached my goal in getting to Level 30: Anchorman.:) and the emblem looks funny and this is one goal that I truly apreciate and I really wish many of you could get to this level because that would be awesome.
Also today I'm going to have fun because I'm going ot visit my family and I really apreciate that so I can have fun.:) in this great day.
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