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Mobile games rock!

Yesterday i was at home... alone all bored and tired after spider-man 3.I DID NOT KNOW WHAT 2 DO...So i went 2 my phone and then wondered what i could do that is INTERESTING...I then browzed 4 games on the internet. I found this one site, it was called KiINGS WAP on google. The site had lot of games. While i was browzing through the games i noticed that mobile games took very little memmory and while i was browzing through the games i realized that games will never beat pc or 360 games. So i just downloaded some games because i was realy bored.........I thought these games would be boring but i was wrong they were GREAT!!!

i downloaded these games

Asphalt 3: Street RulessupTM/sup 3DPrince of Persia The Two ThronessupTM/supTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double AgentsupTM/supUnderground Street Soccer

1                     2                       3                      4                    

Vans Skate and Slam Feat. Geoff RowleyBrothers In Arms : Earned In BloodsupTM/sup 3DReal Soccer 2007 3DMassive Snowboarding

5                      6                      7                       8


1 asphalt 3 3D- super cool, best mobile game downloaded!!!

2 Prince of persia the two thrones (i also have this game on pc but anyway i downloaded it and it was great)

3 splintercell double agent (i also have this game on ps2 but anyway i downloaded it and it was great)

4 underground street soccer.COOL

5 Skate & slam: great, cool, super

6 brothers in arms: earned in blood 3D - COOL

7 real football2007 3D - GREAT SOCCER GAME

8 massive snowboarding 3D- next gen graphics phone game!!!

all together i downloaded 37 games on my mobile and 89% were great!all the games i downloaded were called GAMELOFT games

and the best part all the games on this site are FREE!

so if ur bored and have a wap browser on ur phone type KINGS WAP (ALL CAPS LOCK) in google....this site also has stuff like mp3's, themes, screen savers etc

i have a reputation for short and sweet blog posts

2day when i looked at some ppls blog posts i noticed they really use there literature well eg digi_matrix. these ppls blog post remind me about those harry potter books long and boring (no offence) maybe not, harry potter books are not always boring but i just cant read long blog posts without interesting pics. again no offence 2 those who make long posts! my blog post are i qs a bit short so i cant make readers eyes pop out.

eg of ppl who make nice and short blog posts:


Turbopowered007 etc

if u ppl want 2 make nice sweet and short blog posts sent me a msg and i will sent u the intructions...




20th centuary fox

YEP,YEP! its my 20th blog post...this is my 20th blog post. i know thats a bit slow but still im proud of it.

this is my 20th blog so i will tell a little bout myself

best game eva played: err too much

best song eva heared: 2pac : hit em up

best site eva went on: gamespot

fav game of the year 07(so far):supreme commander

fav song of the year(so far): chingy: relax

fav singer: late shakur 2pac, chingy and akon

by the way i am the officer of this new cool union its the West The West Coast Customs Union. If you like west coast customs or pimp my ride this is ur type of union

the ps3 is cooking!!!

"yes! i love my food!"

"damn this food smells good...thanx to the ps3!"

"wow! ive never tasted beef this good thanx to this ps3 that i bought at the "odd things" shop

nevermind what his say'in it just shows that nothing is cooked until ps3 cooks it.

My end has come

Not in a million years!!!!!!!!

im not leaving

i just took controll of someones profile!!!

so when i said i was not conna be on my profile for a long long time i meant i wont be on my profile 4 a long yime cause i got another profile that i will be buzy with

The match of legents


Alright here are some of the legents in this match: Kratos in god of war, the prince in prince of persia, leonidas in 300 wait there is one missing!

since there is one legent missing you dicide who must be there and also decide that person who u gonna choose atk and def


wait and one last thing decide who is gonna win in this match


actually im not l10 yet but these are some of my plans i have but only once ive reached Level 10

1. Post my favorite vids most will be funny and some game trailers

2. video blogs: playing supreme commander( my fav game so far), ps3 games, 360

3. try to be more active in all the unions im in

4. maybe become a total access user

5. once i become a total access user i will enter tournoments

6. try to get more emblems:D

dats all