@Morphine_OD No i don't watch justin bieber videos sorry, you must do as you seem to know, i'm sure its a bunch of 13 year old girls saying I love him, but that's teenage girls, so you're saying its okay to act like 13 year old girls cause that will make a great comments section.
@Morphine_OD Because my friend all you are doing is being degrading, f it was a guy you wouldn't be talking about how hot he is. You would be talking about the article/video which is what the comments section is actually for, I think she probably deserves the same respect. I'm sure you kinda guys have enough sites to get your jollys from. also its not really a compliment to say nice tits or boobs or nice ass and stuff like that.
Of course the real reason is that Shopto are notorious for delivering games 1-3 days before they are supposed to, some people got black ops 2, 4 days before release so I have to really side with activision in this, as any game employee will tell you its probably going to hurt shopto because they wont be selling a major release.
dunkmunkey's comments