yea idk its like really messed up cause I ended up just going through level 4 again 2 c if I could get back after that now the mission select is back but its only up to level 5 and it says I didnt beat level 1,2, or 3 just 4 lol so if I start all over from level 5 will I get the trophy after I beat it or will I have to do 1,2,3 also
no the save file is there but I went to mission select and went back 2 a level to get a trophy I missed and then when I tried to get back it loads back to that level and I dont c mission select anywhere
I didnt beat it yet but I went back to a different level and it saved and now when I try to get back to where I am it says resume or new game how do I get back to the level I was on ????
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