@uninspiredcup said:Watching dogs is legitimately more entertaining.This. I even got the first one for free and could barely stomach it. What an asspain of a game. like above ^ generic repetitive bs.
inb4 someone hacks it and figures a way for any ssd to work.This proprietary bullshit is so 90s area. I thought it was done with, but apparently not.
Bethesda became instant trash (as if they werent already from releasing buggy ass games that modders had to fix) when they outsourced Quake.I hope they burn.
obviously a DC thread. but unlike certain people on this board, most dont do bethesda's laundry.they've been pretty stagnant.
Meh. GTA is just like the yearly sports games, only there is a longer interim.They are all basically the same, just bigger or looks nicer.
@ivangrozny said:@MonsieurX said: 'Buget setup' should cost half thatIt will not be a next gen setup. It will be just a budget gaming setup.So budget, you can't afford the d.
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