culture, neighborhood, social surroundings makes a teenage mind violent... go look into 3rd world countries how violent their people are... how many killings bombings each day... but world is busy with 1st world countries, here if some one kills a dog people go mad... they gets house arrested etc etc...because these killing was in 1st world countries and the kids had games like a normal kid do..all blame went to the games... because they find it hard to blame their society.....their billion dollar researches that failed to predict criminal its a matter of time they will conduct a survey saying violent games makes a mind violent ... no matter how much real life war you watch , no matter how cannibal lector eats peoples brain in the movies... and gets awarded for it
I think this is the 1st time i dont agree with a gamespot review...but hey i dont blame tom or gamespot for that...points do not make a good game look bad... a good game will always stand out no matter how bad reviewers reviews it
I completely agree with u, and theres still a heaps of 360 titles i still havnt played yet, and these games will take 5 yrs or more for me to finish, so i dont see the point moving to the new consoles before finising those games
Maybe i have to stop console gaming, and move on to pc gaming , that seems the cheapest and reasonable, and ill preserve my xbox and ps3 on the closet for my kids and explain why u shouldnt game on consoles
dxshah786's comments