This one is a bit delayed because of where I've been over the past week. The week after living it up at PAX 08, I flew down to Los Angeles, California to take a week long Carnival cruise to Mexico. This was my fourth cruise, but my first on Carnival. There were only three shore days, and I'll be starting a new album on flickr soon, for anyone who's interested, but the days at sea were a bit lacking in activities. There were a few days with Guitar Hero III competitions, but that was only an hour each and were pretty weak, so I got some Xboxing done in my room, and surpassed 38,000 points in the process. Here's the rundown:
Days since 37,000: 35 days
Forza Motorsport 2 (0 new points (970 total)) - Yeah yeah yeah, Forza keeps popping up in my games played list. I've been playing a bit lately trying to get that elusive 1,000,000 online credits achievement.
Braid (110 new points (185 total)) - Finished off Braid, and I'll guarantee that I'll be coming back to it, again and again, even more than I did with Chu Chu Rocket (I woulda gone with the acronym there, but realized it's the same acronym for one of my fav bands!). Anyway, I got all the achievements except for the speed run achievement, which is very challenging, and apparently stressful.
Penny Arcade Episode 1 (130 new points (150 total)) - It took me a rediculously long time to really get into this game. Like I said before, I've been waiting for this game for years, but when I got it, I quickly put it on the back burner. Well, a few days before PAX, I quickly loaded it back up, and OTRSPOD quickly picked up steam. A truly outstanding game for the price and media forum, the writing is more hilarious than you can imagine (if you're a P-A fan, atleast). Episode 1 is all around fun, and will net you up to about 10 hours.
Castle Crashers (15 points) - w00t. Another game anticipated for years! Now I get to anticipate the patch. I had beta'd Castle Crashers many many months ago, and it was actually a lot easier, the controls were different, and the level design was quite altered, but I really like the new version, as well. What I don't like is getting kicked from any attempt at online co-op after just a couple minutes.
Madden NFL 09 (765 points) - It's so nice of EA to start selling achievements again! lol, jk. Actually, the achievements in 09 are easy, but atleast the game is really worth playing now. I really like the Superstar mode when it first came out a couple years ago, but I didn't get as much out of the rest of the game. Now, I'm enjoying the full game, and working the hell outta my running back! Definitely the best Madden yet.
Current gamerscore stands at: 38,027Current world gamerscore rank: 18,333
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