I have had countless of people talk trash about Gears,Halo,the list goes on , while hanging out with them....funny thing is that most people after playing a few rounds are hooked and suddenly the biggest fans I guess alot of younger players don't like to be told whats good....now if only more people would move past cod addictions and play some BF3!!!!! Have fun all
is this outputed in 1080 sony pushed it down everyones throuts and most ps3 games are only output in 720 on a 60in tv this looks bad!!! Has this changed i always go with the 360 + not that im ready to purchase but i think they might announce new console as well as Nintendo in june !!!
third times a charm finally after purchasing a ps3 for my birthday all i can say is its a lovely blu-ray player but nothing can compare to xbox live instead of paying off all those movie studios to go blue last year they should have spent just a few more bucks on their online and come on as if it will get better for ps3 owners in the future well the future is now and by then we will be onto the next xbox sorry folks just had to for once add a little spark to the flame !!!!!!!!!
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