PS3 always looks too bright and shiny, less atmospheric... but, I have 2 settings on my HDTV, one for the 360 and one for the PS3.............they look pretty much the same.... I get them really really close
Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, Assassins Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Bioshock 2, and any other horror related games... I think I counted 7 good horror games and I'm sure there is a few we haven't heard of.... hopefully at least ONE real survival horror in the bunch (besides Alan Wake)
MS has got to be pissed. They have been barking about console free PC gaming for quite some time now. And yes, this will change everything. Crysis on my HDTV or PC without all the expensive hardware?..... sign me up!
I am so fed up with pro-sports and the inflated salaries of these meat-heads that are pushed through school because they can throw a ball. .. With the financial outlook looking bleak, AND for the sake of fairness, they should run a salary cap of 100K a year for ALL players, which is a pretty decent chunk of change for playing ball with your friends and a bit of fame. This way they can start giving that extra money back to the people in (cheap seats) and give back to the STATE that so graciously lets them put up an eye-sore of a stadium in their back yard for once ...... A family of 4 or 5 on an average salary can no longer take the whole family to a game ( forget about season tickets.) while these dopes that play have more money then they know what to do with. It also might inspire inner city kids to maybe go into the sciences and other fields where they are desperately needed and give the children tangible goals and teach them that yes, ... life is indeed fair. Making it in sports is like winning the lottery and by paying these athletes this kind of money we are sending our kids the WRONG message. We are already seeing in this economy that commercial time is not selling like it once was (thank god) and hopefully this will put the sports world on alert to do the smart and responsible thing for out country and stop sending these kids crappy messages.
yeah, Silent Hill is NOT gross, it is the King of psychological horror (except for the last one...not very scary) and you forgot to mention that some of those games were so broken that you probably gave up on the game before it got really creepy, just out of frustration...Call of Cthulha, case and point.... if you make it out of the bed, jump out open the back door, close the door behind you, then lock it run across the room move furniture out of the way, open the door, close it behind you, lock it......well, you get the picture...after my 99th time of getting hacked to death by the BIG BURLY sailors that are breaking down the doors with axes, I just about had it.... then ONCE I made it out the window, jumped across to the other building, through the corridor only to have NO save point and got hacked to death anyway......AHHH....I still feel the frustration of that game, too bad too, because it was one of the creepiest ones going
Ya know I think those comparison pics are bogus. . . My PSP doesn't have washed out colors like that, hell my ORIGINAL PSP doesn't even have washed out colors like that. I have a little stand for mine for movies and I would love at one point to allow the usage of the DS3 with the PSP, that would just kick butt. As long as they don't pull a PS3 and take away the ability to play older games, I'm still kind of reeling from that decision, . . I'm okay with this.
Man, people just can't seem to accept that the Wii is trouncing both the PS3 and the 360 combined, and the jealousy shines through with every word I read . . you don't have to like the Wii guys, but 27 million other people do. That's no fad. Then the other people with the "well. why didn't Nintendo have this in the first place?"...........uhh, , , maybe because like with EVERY OTHER console if improvements can be made, they make them, is that so hard to understand?. . . at least Nintendos innovations actually make the product BETTER, and they didn't take the BC away, or have 19 SKU's.
. . First off, nobody in their right mind gets a new card when it comes out, you usually wait two or three versions later before you upgrade again.. . This kind of tech moves pretty fast, . and they do put out way more than they should. Instead of little baby steps in performance, each NEW card should be light years ahead of the last, so where there should be 3 cards, there might be 6 or 7. That's just a $$$ thing, we all know it. . They could wait and put out fewer, better cards, but there is always some guy that buys EVERY SINGLE CARD THAT COMES OUT.. . and those are the people that they target. . Believe me your PC can wait for the next version, or the one after that, I mean I;m pretty happy with graphics my consoles deliver, so I can wait for a two or three years between cards for my PC
Man, I can't believe people are actually saying, "I have a PS3 and it's not blurry like that, . . Gamespot must be biased" . . . . No, that's not it at all. . . what it is is that when is the last time you looked at the two consoles back to back??. . . Probably never, . . .while neither is blurry, the 360 does end up looking cleaner for games. . . movies are a different story, but these are GAMES. God, it's not a big deal, both are great
Okay, first off, it looks like you guys used an "LCD" HDTV for these tests. I can say with absolute certainty that when running HD games from both the PS3 and the 360, my Pioneer Elite blows doors on even the "best" LCD's on the market. . . Much better black levels, better color, NO jaggies, and NO motion blur. . . . Also, you CAN"T use the same setting on both consoles either, that's just ridiculous. . . I have a setting A for my 360, setting B for my PS3, . . . and honestly I can get them much closer that you guys did here at Gamespot. Mine are almost identical, . . both are beautiful, . . and BOTH consoles are stunning.. . . With my setup, which also includes a top of the line THX certified Onkyo 7.1 receiver, which I run "both" through, . . I prefer the 360 for games (not much difference), . . BUT. . . when it comes to watching dvd's, and of coarse bluray, I prefer the PS3 for a better movie experience (video AND audio) . . . with that said, I couldn't ever see myself NOT having both set up ,. . I love both dearly and you all would be smart getting a really good upscaling HDMI 1.3 , .7.1 receiver, . . . the home theater systems you buy are horrible, and it makes a HUGE difference when playing a game when the audio is perfect. Also, think about going plasma. The new Panasonic 800 series is top rated, and is cheaper when going medium or big as compared to LCD's. THey are also THX certified now. There is a reason why most devs use big plasma monitors as reference monitors, . . . they just look BETTER.
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