Pot meets kettle for those complaining about the complaints. Is it because the negative comments about the game make you feel uneasy because you want to buy the game but you're insecure about your decision?
Anyway, this is the Internet. If you can't stand other people's complaints than disconnect yourself from the Net.
@Atheosis Anyone with half a brain is able to realize quite quickly that the game contains cute anime-styled creatures and characters -- there's no need for the reviewer to state the obvious. Should reviewers start putting warning that Killzone is a military-themed game with armies, soldiers and artilleries?
@hajjjustin @dysonlu @DireOwl So how much is "ton of them"? How much compared to sales? I think you missed the entire point.
The point is that if there were 77 million consoles shipped, you can be pretty damn sure that the number sold is close to the number shipped because there aren't millions of units sitting on selves.
@DireOwl So are you saying retailers stock a million more PS3 than Xboxes in their warehouse? And for what? Just for fun? If it's shipped, it's because there is demand. Retailers are not stupid, they order units because they ran out of units and because they see that there is a demand; if the units stay on the shelves, they'd stop ordering. So shipped is pretty much sold.
When you have to switch back and forth 20 times between zoomed screengrabs to notice the minuscule differences, then it's not worth mentionning unless you're the type of no-life fanboy who just take pleasure at boasting about your shaft being 0.5mm longer than your neighbour's. What I take from this comparison is the graphics are damn close between 360 and PS3. (By the way, looks like "puppeteer" is pissed because he can't afford a PS3. Try writing to Santa.)
dysonlu's comments